Submission Guidelines


Author Guidelines

Potential authors are invited to submit their unpublished original research manuscripts to SMART-2024. These manuscripts must include title, abstract, keywords, author, affiliations, and e-mail addresses and follows IEEE Standard instruction format.

Categories of Paper:

  • Regular Paper- Up to 7 pages (maximum) and 1 additional pages are allowed with an extra charge.
  • Short Paper- Up to 5 Pages (maximum) and one additional page is allowed with an extra charge.

Submission Process

Technical paper submission process will be as follows:

  • (Full paper up to 7 pages) submission will be required.
  • Authors should submit their paper via online submission i.e Conference Management Toolkit – (CMT) Login submission system.
  • SMART will use - Conference Management Toolkit – (CMT) submission system for submission and review process.
  • Drillbit Plagiarism  tool is used to identify the plagiarized contents in the submitted paper.
  • Each paper goes through an administrative review to confirm the following:
    • The paper must be written in English.
    • The paper must be in the proper format as defined by IEEE.
    • The paper must be readable.
    • The mathematical equations and images should be legible.


    If the paper does not meet any of the above requirements, the author is asked to resubmit the paper for review.

Review Process

Blind review process of peers will be As follows:

  • Minimum of 3 reviewers per paper; all reviewers are subject matter experts as defined by their edict (Reviewer usually have 5 or 6 edicts that they are willing to review against).
  • The number of submissions will determine the number of reviewers required.
  • Each reviewer will be given maximum 5 no. of papers to review in minimum of one month time.
  • Papers are reviewed and rated on a 7 point system; -3 being strong reject ; 3 will be strong accept.
  • Based on the rating, a paper with 1 points can be recommended for a poster session and a 3 point paper can be put in a “best paper” category
  • A committee is formed to check the plagiarism if any.
  • The Plagiarism checking Committee initially checks the plagiarism in the submitted paper by plagiarism checking tools.


If plagiarism is found in any submitted paper, then it will be excluded from the submission system without having any reviewer’s comment.

Plagiarism Policy

The conference advises its authors to be kindly restricted from copying or plagiarism in any form. Paper submission guidelines clearly specify that the authors should submit their original and unpublished research work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts submitted for publication to SMART-2024 will be cross-checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software . Manuscripts found to be plagiarized, during any stage of review, shall not be included in the conference.

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