IEEE Membership Details


IEEE Membership Details

S. No. Name IEEE Membership Number Valid Till
1 Rakesh Kumar Dwivedi 93820687 Dec,2023
2 Ashendra Kumar Saxena 93352037 Dec,2023
3 Gaurav Rajput 97520387 Dec,2023
4 Jyoti Ranjan Labh 97520398 Dec,2023
5 Khyati Singh 97520539 Dec,2023
6 Vineet Saxena 96505030 Dec,2023
7 Rohaila Naaz 96505078 Dec,2023
8 Vratika gupta 98237967 Dec,2023
9 Vinay K Mishra 97684539 Dec,2023
10 Shambhu Bharadwaj 93829584 Dec,2023
11 Priyank Singhal 90430666 Dec,2023
12 Amit Singh 93943518 Dec,2023
13 Ramesh C Tripathi 94840254 Dec,2023
14 Dr. Shalini Zanzote 98261094 Dec,2023

Counter until the big event

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